Vibrerande orm, slät - Blå

Artikelnummer #: 3STVSB
437,50 kr
350,00 kr exkl. moms
En klassiker är vår vibrerande orm. Den vibrerar i två lägen. se våra överdrag till ormen för ytterligare taktil upplevlese. Mycket bra produkt för proprioception och kroppskännedom.

OBS Innehåller smådelar.
Extra information
  • Storlek: 58cm
  • Anslutning: 2x C batterier (ingår ej)

8 Förhandsgranskning

Paul J.Verified Buyer.
Reviewed on 07/02/25
My daughter loves these
Nancy S.Verified Buyer.
Reviewed on 27/12/24
Fantastic service Great product Look forward browsing the website for more purchases
Willz T.Verified Buyer.
Reviewed on 22/01/24
My nephew had played with one of these before and he loved it so we knew we had 2 get him one and it was a hit straight away
Cheryl V.Verified Buyer.
Reviewed on 27/06/23
Really pleased neice loves it
Karen R.Verified Buyer.
Reviewed on 11/02/22
Benefit Highlighted
Helped to calm my child during a meltdown.
Marion T.Verified Buyer.
Reviewed on 29/12/21
Benefit Highlighted
My Grandson really like's his snake and his mum say's it has a very calming influence on him.
William R.Verified Buyer.
Reviewed on 13/12/21
Excellent sensory item for our autistic young man
Nancy D.Verified Buyer.
Reviewed on 02/01/21
Responded quickly to my question. Very efficient delivery as well!